Saturday, July 7, 2007

Welcome to G Reviewz!

Well, I scratched my head quite a lot to come up with a better, "heavy" title for the blog, but just couldn’t think of any... and so ended up with this. Come to think of it...Does it really matter?

Now, to what I shall be scribbling here... It would mostly be my thoughts and reactions towards books that I read, moviews that I watch, software applications that I use, places that I occasionally visit, so on and so forth...

Since these are "G-Reviews", they are entirely personal in nature. I make no claims of any authority on any of the topics I may venture to comment on.

Just a minute... did I just write "moviews"? I meant movies... Seems the strain of coming up with a suitable title is getting on my nerves. So I had better sign off for now, heh heh..

See you soon.




R said...

G ReviewZ !! Sounds good ;-)
Welcome Welcome.. Hope to find atleast a dozen of your reviewZ by this week !!

ViruS said...

Hi ,

This is virinder. I have gone thru ur blog and ur enthusiasm for movies and books is apparent to me. I have 2 blogs :
and I would like to invite you as an author thr. I am sure you would find it great to share a forum with around 120 authors in book reviews and around 25 authors in movie reviews. I personally think ur taste in movies is good from ur reviews and would like you to cross post on my blogs aswell. Thanks and do let me know if you are interested. Please go thru the blogs, before u make up ur mind.
my email id